Xeni Jardin Xeni Jardin can be heard on NPRs Day to Day, offering technology insights for listeners nationwide. Jardin is also a contributing writer for WIRED Magazine, as well as a tech culture journalist and co-editor of the collaborative Weblog BoingBoing, the award-winning "Directory of Wonderful Things."
Friday September 14, 2007
Robots Take Center Stage at Nextfest
Thursday August 16, 2007
How Long Should Government E-Mail Linger?
When to Delete Individual E-Mail
Thursday May 10, 2007
The Search for Mingering Mike
Wednesday May 9, 2007
Mingering Mike: Digging Up a Long-Lost Star
Monday May 7, 2007
U.S. Army May Restrict Soldiers' Blogs
Thursday April 26, 2007
Two Sides Take Up Murder Case Online
Thursday April 19, 2007
The Virginia Tech Shooter's Digital Mark
Thursday March 22, 2007
Supporters Work to Free Egyptian Blogger
Thursday March 15, 2007
Google Adds Privacy Features
Monday March 5, 2007
'Scam-Baiters' Turn Tables on Would-Be Cons
Thursday March 1, 2007
RIAA Focuses on Colleges for Anti-Piracy Efforts
Monday February 19, 2007
A Los Angeles 'Hotel' for Internet Carriers
Wednesday February 7, 2007
Apple's Jobs Argues Against Song Protections
Friday February 2, 2007
Technology in Guatemala: An Overview
Thursday February 1, 2007
Guatemala Project Builds Tech from the Ground Up
Wednesday January 31, 2007
Guatemalan Archives May Help Locate Missing
Tuesday January 30, 2007
Storm Victims' Remains Exhumed in Guatemala
Monday January 29, 2007
Thursday January 11, 2007
Tech and Porn Conventions Collide in Las Vegas
Friday December 22, 2006
Terrorists Manipulate 'Dark Web' to Spread Jihad
Monday November 27, 2006
Monday November 13, 2006
Tech Solutions to Iraqi-U.S. Language Barrier
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