The current world number one in chess, Magnus Carlsen is a well-known entity; however, fans were dazzled when they heard he has relations in Hollywood as well.
Interestingly, Magnus was linked to the Hollywood fame, Matt Damon. The two have some insane resemblance, leaving fans in doubt; especially after Matt’s mother also hinting at their similarity.
Are the two stars related?
If you would google Matt Doman and Magnus Carlsen’s pictures, you would be stunned. Back in 2010, the Chess Base posted an article on Magnus Carlsen’s cousin in America. According to the article, Matt Doman’s mother, Professor Nancy Carlsson-Paige of the Lesley University of Cambridge, Massachusetts, reacted to their exclusive article with Magnus, claiming he looks like his son. Nancy’s son is Good Will Hunting star, Matt Doman.

The Chess Base then did some further digging and found that Matt and Mangus have some link to each other. Surprisingly, Matt’s dad had relations with Norway and was Magnus’ cousin somehow. But, wait, it’s not really true, Chess Base pulled off an April fool’s prank on their readers.
Magnus Carlsen and his achievements in Chess
The 31-year-old is one of the best chess players in history. Notably, the chess star from Norway has been clinching the World Championship since 2013. Additionally, he also secured the Chess Oscar consecutively from 2009 to 2013.

Moreover, Magnus is currently defending his World Chess Championship title from his challenger, Ian Nepomniachtchi, in Dubai. So, what do you think about Magnus and Matt’s coincident similarity?