After telling Jody (Garret Dillahunt) that she needed to think about his baffling grand gesture of buying her the apartment above hers and learning that Danny (Chris Messina) had gone full lech and slept with her in that elevator even though he was getting married, she admitted to a boat-loan-seeking Bev that she didn't know what she was going to do, but felt like she had to choose one of them.
"I should be happy with whatever I can get," she said. "I mean, picking neither would be irresponsible."
And that's when Beverly dropped the truth bomb on her: "If neither one of these guys is right, wait for someone special to come along. Until then, get escorts. Or crank it."
"So don't operate out of desperation? That never occurred to me," Mindy said, a light bulb finally going off in her head.