Thanks to the wily journalistic cunning of Diane Sawyer, ABC was able to prevail over the likes of Katie Couric and Meredith Vieira to score the exclusive first interview with Rihanna. And now, as you might expect, they’re doing their best to stretch the story out for as long as possible. Yesterday, we got the first taste of Sawyer’s interview on Good Morning America, the main takeaway of which was Rihanna’s plea for other victims of domestic abuse to “Eff love.” And this morning, ABC released another teaser for tonight’s big Rihanna 20/20 special, one in which she begins to describe some of the events of that tragic evening. She admits that she became upset with Brown when he received a booty text from a third party and, when she refused to drop the subject, he turned violent. “He had no soul in his eyes,” she tells Diane Sawyer. “Just blank … He was clearly blacked out. There was no person when I looked at him.”
Rihanna Exclusive: ‘He Had No Soul in His Eyes’ [ABC]
Rihanna, Part Two: Chris Brown ‘Had No Soul in His Eyes’ncG1vNJzZmivp6x7t8HLrayrnV6YvK57kWlncmdhZnyztceapaeZj6Wus8C%2Bra6oZpipuq0%3D