Ozark Season 4 Part 2 continues with “Pick a God and Pray.” This time, the symbols in the title card “O” include a cocktail, a coffin, handcuffs, and a set of keys. Find out what they all mean in this installment of the final chapter of Ozark.
[SPOILER ALERT: Spoilers ahead for the Ozark Season 4 Part 2 episode “Pick a God and Pray.”]

Private investigator Mel Sattem joins forces with Maya Miller over drinks
The symbols shown in each title card of Ozark indicate pivotal moments fans should pay attention to. It takes a while to get to any drinks in “Pick a God and Pray,” but they appear when P.I. Mel Sattem (Adam Rothenberg) meets with Maya Miller (Jessica Frances Dukes), Marty Byrde’s (Jason Bateman) former F.B.I. liaison, for drinks, flirting, and a bit of detective work. Sattem is in town looking for answers regarding Ben’s (Tom Pelphrey) disappearance. Maya wants any kind of dirt on the Byrdes she can get.

Scared of what the cartel will do about Javi Elizonndro’s (Alfonso Herrera Rodríguez) death, Marty tries to strike another deal with Maya. But her demotion after the arrest of Omar Navarro (Felix Solis) means Marty is no longer a concern. Now she views him as “just another criminal.” When she meets with Sattem, Maya offers him access to F.B.I. resources in exchange for anything on the Byrde Family Foundation.
Wyatt Langmore’s funeral in ‘Pick a God and Pray’
Ruth Langmore (Julia Garner) may have gotten revenge for Wyatt‘s (Charles Tahan) death, but there’s still a funeral to hold. Struggling with the loss of her cousin and the weight of killing a man, Marty offers his help with planning Wyatt’s funeral in “Pick a God and Pray.”
At the funeral, Ruth imagines digging a grave with Wyatt, remembering her cousin as he was. As the preacher cites Psalms, Ruth can’t bring herself to say her final goodbyes. Later that night, she climbs to the trailer roof — her and Wyatt’s comfort spot — to remember him in her own way.
Omar Navarro is handcuffed to the table for Wendy Byrde’s protection
Wendy has always been able to speak reasonably with Navarro. He has trusted Wendy’s decision-making up until this point, but now he’s getting frustrated. With Javi dead, the Byrdes have come up with a new plan — get Navarro off of the Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) list and moved into a Mexican prison where he can pay for his escape.
There’s only one problem with this plan — Navarro hates it. “If I wasn’t handcuffed to this table right now Wendy I would kill you,” he threatens in “Pick a God and Pray.” With Javi dead, the Byrdes’ lives are once again in danger.
“Get out of here before I break your neck,” Navarro concludes their meeting. Later, Wendy wins Navarro back by having him moved from solitary confinement.
Ruth gets the keys to the Snell kingdom at the end of ‘Pick a God and Pray’
Wanting to punish Wendy, Ruth and Clare Shaw (Katrina Lenk) decide to partner together. At the end of “Pick a God and Pray,” Ruth accesses the Snell barn, which houses the heroin she’s selling to Clare, with a set of old keys.

In the end, Navarro asks Marty to go to Mexico to reinstate his position as leader. Terrified but aware of the consequences, Marty agrees. Can he continue alluding the F.B.I. and the cartel at once?
Find out in new episodes of Ozark on Netflix.