Jimmy Butler is hands down a Hercules specimen. He does not have a single tattoo on his body, but has every muscle on the showcase. A beast of a human, the Miami Heat star, is an idol of every gym enthusiast who is looking for a lean physique.
Many compare Jimmy G Bucket’s body to that of Giannis Antetokounmpo, but even without that comparison, Jimmy has his own following. With the boulder shoulders, the eight packs, the massive forearms, and the dynamic legs, he is inch-on-inch perfect. Now, if any of this sounds like an exaggeration, read about his fitness regimen and know why he has what he has.
Jimmy Butler workout routine to stay ribbed
Home workout
On YouTube, the Miami Heat icon has ‘How to train like Jimmy Butler’ as a series in parts. It has the bucket getter waking his trainer up at 4 am to get his workout assists. Now that’s some Kobe Bryant memories on the show.
Kettlebell King
The hotheaded Jimmy Butler likes his kettlebells. He uses these to get a functional workout that promises him strength minus the risk of bulking up. A massive calorie burner, the kettlebell workout helps Jimmy burn quick calories and get going. That’s him channeling some Carmelo Anthony.

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Medicine ball madness
The 31-YO uses medicine ball workout as his warmup routine before hitting the Miami beaches for a long and tiring run. Plus, he also adds these crazy balls to his core training sessions, where the star works on boosting his overall strength. This workout also helps his glutes, hamstrings, back, triceps, and shoulders feel the burn. And yes, Shawn Mendes’ songs during the sessions never harm!
Cable machine calling
The upper body regimen has a cable machine as an intrinsic part. The pulley workouts help in muscle building and work different upper body parts. Check out his F45 workouts with actor Mark Wahlberg to get a taste of it.
The Miami Heat leader and his favorite exercises
Step-ups swag
Sure, the step-ups are easy-peasy, but not really when one has to do it with a thousand other things. Moreover, the All-Star player adds weight or resistance to make it trickier and squeeze more out of it. His routine has 10000 steps to build his deadlift strength, balance, lower back, explosiveness, and calves.
Fun workouts
Jimmy knows well that having fun is an important part of working out and killing the exertion that comes along. So he has his fun by mocking Instagram models and doing something like this –
Jump Squats
For an NBA player, legs are money. So Jimmy Butler knows how to equip his legs so they can carry 230 lbs of body weight and not injure his ankles, knees, or Achilles. This is where jump squats with/without weights come in. And yes, it makes his posterior look sexier and women love it.

Apart from this, Jimmy’s trainer, James Scott, gets him to do a lot many things, but the aforementioned ones remain very important. He does not use max lifts, but he does utilize other things for explosive strength. So what’s your motivation, are you going to try these out? Help us know in the comments section below.
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