Mad Men: season three, episode six
Who says nothing happens in Mad Men? That's a mini tractor careering through the office and cutting someone's foot offSPOILER ALERT: This blog is for those who are watching Mad Men on BBC4. Don't read on if you haven't seen episode six – and if you've seen more of the series, please be aware that many UK viewers may not have done so …
"The Doctor said he'd never golf again" – Powell
Considering that the Brits from PPL were unsubtly using the Independence Day holidays to restructure the office, it is fitting that this week's episode nearly turns into an Ealing farce. Pryce's replacement-to-be, Guy Mackendrick (Oxon, LSE) has his foot mown off by Lois driving a mini John Deere that Ken had triumphantly brought into the office. Mackendrick – a smarmy Don 2.0 in his grey suit – has been airlifted in by PPL to replace the efficient, but not not stellar Lane Pryce. Don's "who is this kid?" look is, however, quickly removed. Especially as he realises he will be reporting to Guy and that Burt's hints about PPL taking Don to London can't be true. (In fact, this may have been a canny tactic aimed at reuniting his Lewis and Martin.)
So Don, along with Pryce – who's been told to run the Bombay office – are relieved when the young upstart is ruthlessly cast aside in the accident. The grisly shots of Paul and Harry getting sprayed with blood and Lois driving slowly straight through a glass wall would have been disturbing if they weren't so out of the show's character and very funny to boot. Having nearly been excommunicated by the reshuffle, Roger proves his worth in the accident's aftermath, strolling smugly into the office ("Jesus, it's like Iwo Jima out there!") and reassuring those who might be at fault for the accident - "Believe me, somewhere in this business, this has happened before." He, like Don and Lane has had his kingdom secured (for now) by the accident. Deus ex mowing machine and all that.
"I'm really happy that you got what you wanted" – Peggy
Less amusing, however, was Joan's valedictory party being overshadowed by the Brits and, moreso, her husband Greg not getting his residency as a surgeon. Despite previous events, Joan does seem to genuinely love Greg and is more upset for him than angry at his selfishness in not calling. Or is she just fooling herself? "I married you for your heart, not your hands," she reassures him as he broods in his scrubs of failure. Presuming that she really wants to, she'll now have to wait to leave work and start a family or move to Alabama. And Huntsville don't seem no place for Joan Holloway. Either way, she hasn't got – as Peggy presumes of both her and Don – everything she wants. Speaking of which, Joan and Don's embrace at the hospital was another touching moment, with a wonderful payoff: "One minute you're on top of the the world, the next some secretary is running you over with a lawnmower."
We don't know as yet if Joan will be able to go back to Sterling Cooper (one presumes so). If not, her main legacy at Sterling Cooper could well be her patronage of Peggy – who lies slightly (only slightly) on the easier side of 21st century women's advancement. For what it's worth, I wish her caviar and children too.
I loved Hooker jokingly telling the increasingly pompous guitar-wielding rebel of Madison Avenue, Paul Kinsey, to shave his beard – and his response: "Who the hell are you people?!"
Joan's slightly erroneous mocking about Profumo ("We could hire some prostitutes, I know your prime minister enjoys them.") raised a smile too.
Another good laugh came with Harry clapping by himself in the conference room – and not realising he was being promoted.
Are (were?) Pete's days numbered? "Account management - that's Mr Cosgrove... and Mr Campbell for the present."
I also hooted at Don dropping Sally's doll back off in her room after she'd chucked it out of the window – only for Sally to think her evil baby brother has summoned it back. Sally does, however, finally get a hug (and some affection) from her folks as they realise that she's not jealous of Eugene, just scared that he's her grandpa reincarnate.
We got (I think) the first reference to Vietnam as Dale reveals his draft worries.
Turns out it was Connie Hilton at Roger's party. Don, for once, seems intimidated when he realises. He still holds it together well enough to play a little hardball. More on this next week.
Culture Watch
Dale channels The Beverly Hillbillies when he says to Ken: "Listen, Mr Clampett, you better get your iron horse out of reception."
The credits play out to Dylan's Song To Woody, the second reference to the singer. Was this what Paul was playing? Interestingly, Dylan – like Don – came from the Midwest, changed his identity and became a superstar. The song during the party, meanwhile, was Jody Reynolds' Come On Twist.
Lane has been reading Twain, and Roger summons up the ghost of Paul Revere in his comment: "The British are coming!".