Bad hair, soft focus, lots of leather and FAR too much flesh: Here's what happens when glamour modelling goes wrong...
A leather-clad grandmother pouts and clutches a pair of handcuffs, while a sword-wielding plus-sized princess flashes a full foot of cleavage.
Elsewhere a shirtless father clutches a rifle in one hand and his toddler son in the other.
These are just a few of the funny, bizarre and truly terrifying bad glamour shots going viral online.

Fleshy: This wannabe model was coaxed out of her clothes, to pose windswept with a sword
A common theme in these ridiculous snaps is a love of all things leather - particularly if it's pressed against naked, and aging, flesh.
Accessories are also a bonus, especially if they're potentially deadly.
Guns and swords are a popular prop for bad glamour photographers
One model even posed with a giant crossbow in one hand and his semi-naked partner in the other.
And when it comes to hair, bigger is definitely better.
Blow-drying is a must and there are bonus points for backcombing.
Wigs are only acceptable if they enhance they are cheap, ill-fitting and obvious.

Watch your back Kate Moss: Lack of self-awareness is a clear requirement for bad glamour shoots

Permed and preened: Perms are popular too - for the mullet-haired madam on the left and the Will Ferrell lookalike on the right

Kung-fu kid: Models are encouraged to embrace their hobbies in photos - from archery to martial arts
Make-up must be liberally applied, on men and women, and jewellery has to be very big and very shiny.
But the most important factor, without doubt, is perfecting the pose.
Judging by these photos there are three options offered each model... the sultry 'come hither' look; pouting and staring moodily into the distance or grinning maniacally at the camera.

Hairspray: Soft focus can take decades off you... just make sure you get the right pose

It's a family affair: Group shots are good, particularly when the outfits are coordinated

Hair-raising: Whether it's up or down, the hair has to be eye-catching
Since they were posted on US website this week, the bad glamour shots have attracted thousands of hits.
One visitor remarked 'This is quite possibly the most terrifying sequence of pictures Ive ever see.'
While another pointed out: 'And these are the glamour Shots, just think how they look in an every day photo. Shudder.'

Scathing: One bad glamour 'fan' observed online: 'I think I'm bleeding from my eyes...'

Girls 'n' guns: The fascination with guns is alarming

... Particularly when children are involved

At their best?: Another visitor pointed out 'just think how they look in an every day photo'

Leather ladies: These mature models were coaxed out of their clothes and into leather fetish gear

When it comes to hair - bigger is definitely better

Whatever you're wearing, make sure you perfect that pose

... and practise your 'come to bed eyes'

Eyes and teeth: A good smile is the difference between a bad glamour shot and a truly terrible one

What were they thinking? Even the most pristine pout couldn't have rescued this pair

Destroying the ozone layer: Bonus points if you're able to burn through a whole can of hairspray
Equality: It's not just for girls... although this pose should be

Clothes optional: If you love your body, show it off

Age is no barrier to bad glamour - there's always a boa big enough to conceal wrinkles and varicose veins