12:41 PM PT -- PETA is coming out swinging against CeeLo, telling us, "It doesn’t take a genius to know that horses don’t belong at a noisy, crowded party, where slippery floors and strobe lights can agitate these vulnerable animals. If CeeLo bumped his head, PETA’s hoping it knocked some sense and compassion into him."
UPDATEThe org continues, "PETA encourages others to not follow in his footsteps, use common senses and kindness and leave animals alone."
CeeLo Green intended to make a memorable entrance into a birthday party honoring Shawty Lo, and memorable it was ... for all the wrong reasons.
CeeLo was in attendance for Shawty's bday bash at The Bank in ATL Wednesday and decided he'd join the party on horseback. You can see from the jump, the horse is nervous around the crowd and lights -- as employees try to get the animal steady -- then all hell breaks loose.
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The horse jolts around, and its legs slip on the tile floor, causing the animal to buckle -- and sending CeeLo to the ground in the process.
Luckily no one was hurt, and CeeLo made a quick recovery, getting back up onto his feet to enjoy the rest of the party.

Of course, folks on social media had a field day with the whole thing ... quickly posting the moment and joking about his fall from grace.
As you know, Shawty Lo, whose birthday is March 22, died in a car crash back in 2016 ... but his friends and loved ones still gather to remember and celebrate his legacy.
They might also want to take the time to remember horses are likely better left outside.
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