Into It with Sam Sanders
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Into It with Sam Sanders
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Looking back, Britney Spears’s Lucky from 2000 sounds like a premonition: A young star who looks like she’s living a dream but is deeply lonely and lost. “Those sorts of messages have been scattered throughout Britney’s discography forever,” explains music critic Maura Johnston. From …Baby One More Time to Everytime, there’s an emotionalism at the core of her music that still resonates with people decades later. “Even as her voice was really stretched and pulled by technological innovations, people are still very invested in her as a person,” says Johnston. Spears’s sonic experimentations in tracks such as Till the World Ends and Piece of Me also demonstrated how Spears was ahead of the game. Listen to the full episode of Into It to learn more about how Spears’s voice and sound — augmented, auto-tuned, yet authentic — ushered in a new era of pop music and pop stardom.
Into It with Sam Sanders
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