Going for a spa treatment for the first time can be just as daunting as a first date – you're nervous, you don't know what to expect and there's every chance you might end up naked.
I'm no stranger to a facial or a massage, but I'd never been for a body scrub before. I chose to book in at the House of Elemis in Mayfair, as I'd been once before and found the space and staff extremely welcoming and tranquil (the fact it's a two minute walk from work also helps - but they also have locations all over the UK).
Full body salt scrub review:
Once I was led into the treatment room (so peaceful, so lush, so beautifully scented), the therapist showed me to a small wardrobe where I could put my clothes and belongings and instructed me to pop on a pair of throwaway pants and wrap myself in a fluffy robe. She then left the room to let me hop to it and re-entered once I was ready and robed.
Sitting in a chair next to the massage table, the therapist talked me through what I was about to experience with the 'Intensely Cleansing Salt Scrub' treatment and answered any questions I had.
The treatment involves three products - an oil, scrub and a lotion – of which you get to choose the scent. I decided to go with Elemis' signature Frangipani Monoi, but Lime and Ginger are also options. You also have the choice of including your stomach and chest in the treatment or skipping this area if you're uncomfortable. Not one to miss an opportunity to be scrubbed within an inch of my life - I opted for the whole she-bang.
Once de-robed and face down on the massage table, step one began with a warm oil massaged into all my limbs. It's similar to a regular massage in which the therapist works in sections and leaves the rest of your bits snug under some towels. I was immediately relaxed and half-asleep one minute in.
The 'miracle' £10 body scrub that people claim banishes scars, acne and stretch marksGallery7 PhotosStep two followed with the application of the scrub, which felt exactly the same as when you DIY – grainy and rough – but not harsh or irritating on the skin. The only difference is you get to lay there half-conscious while somebody else does all the hard work, buffing away all your dead skin sins.
After step two, the therapist held up the towel while I flipped over onto my back and we repeated the process face up, with the inclusion of stomach and chest. I am SO glad I included this area because it was probably the most relaxing part of all. Your eyes are covered with a small wheat pack so you can continue your comfortable slumber.
Next up – shower time. I was prepared for this step as it was explained to me at the start and the therapist had turned the taps on and perfected the temperature while I reawoke. She then left the room again while I hopped in (the shower is in an adjoining room) and redressed the massage table while I went to work removing the scrub. And holy mother of smooth skin, I was slippery as a seal. It was like I had shed an entire layer of sh*t from my surface and was an entirely new woman. I'm talking cocoon to butterfly type shedding.
With a new pair of throwaway pants and my robe back on, I made my way back to massage table for the last step: lotion. The routine was the same as the oil and scrub steps with no new surprises (other than how amazing it felt).
Once the treatment was over, I was left in the room again to gather myself and get over the fact that I now had to go back to reality and leave my relaxation bubble. But at least I now had the smoothest, softest skin from top-to-toe.
The verdict?
As one of the more affordable spa options on the menu and only 30 minutes total treatment time, a body scrub is 100 per cent worth it. Especially in winter when you just want to go straight from hot shower to your dressing gown, and the idea of applying lotion provokes shivering. Why not let someone else do the hard work (and a better job) for you, in the cosiest and most relaxing environment possible? It's a no-brainer.